In this article, we look at the top 10 SEO trends that will dominate in 2022. SEO consultant Northern Beaches are targeting keywords and area that you want to rank. We discuss how these trends will change the way you think about SEO and give valuable tips to make your content rank higher on Google SERPs.
Artificial intelligence will take over SEO
AI will be used to understand user intent. AI will identify the intent of a user based on their behavior and respond accordingly, understanding what they want before they even ask for it.
AI will be used to create content. AI can help you come up with ideas for new blog posts or products that people would like based on their previous interactions with your brand, which means less time spent brainstorming and more time being productive!
AI will be used to optimize content. To keep up with Google’s ever-changing algorithm, you’ll need an expert assistant who knows how to optimize each piece of content created by you and your team in order to make sure it’s relevant for today’s search engines!
Voice search will give enormous boost to SEO
- Voice search is becoming more popular
- Voice search is easier than typing
- Voice search is more natural and conversational
- You can use voice search for almost any question, so it’s not limited to just searching for products or services that a business might offer (like “What’s the best restaurant in town?”) but also how people might ask about your brand (“Where does Google work?”).
Google’s 10-pack feature will make local SEO a must
The 10-pack, also known as the local Google search results, are a list of all your business listings in one place. These include:
- Yelp
- Yellow Pages
- SuperPages
- Local.com (USA)
- MapQuest (US and UK)
- Hotfrog (Europe)
The 10-pack feature is important for local SEO because it shows your business as a top result when people search for certain keywords on Google’s mobile platform or desktop search engine. You want to make sure that you’re appearing in this section if you offer services or products in certain areas so that customers can find you easily when they’re looking for what you have to offer.
Featured snippets will continue to grow in importance
Featured snippets are already a huge part of the search engine optimization landscape. If you want to grab attention, increase visibility, and drive more traffic to your website, featured snippets are an excellent way to do so. They’re also especially helpful for increasing conversion rates (and therefore sales). And if you’re looking for more information on how to maximize your chances of getting a featured snippet from Google? Read this article from SearchEngineJournal!
Mobile-first indexing is the new normal
Mobile-first indexing is the new normal. This means that Google will rank pages based on mobile versions of websites. In other words, if your site is not optimized for mobile devices, you will be penalized by this new technology.
The importance of mobile-first indexing is that it is a major ranking factor and affects up to half of all Google searches (according to Moz). So make sure that your site has been optimized for both desktop and smartphone screens before making any big changes in 2022!
Long and comprehensive content will help rank higher on SERPs
Longer content helps to rank higher on SERPs because it gives more information to the user, which means they will spend more time on your site. Longer content is also easier to read, link and share as well.
Video content and live streaming will help with rankings
The most popular content on the internet is video. This is because it’s a great way to explain complicated topics, show off your brand and engage with customers.
Live streaming has become a staple of social media marketing. It’s also something that Google uses as an indicator of trustworthiness. These two factors are why live streaming will be such an important part of SEO this year and beyond!
Image optimization will add tremendous value to your content
- Images can be optimized for SEO.
- Images can be used to help with search engine rankings.
- Images can have an impact on user experience (UX).
User experience will become the key ranking factor
As user experience becomes the key ranking factor, users will expect high quality content in the form of highly relevant, easy-to-digest information. This means content should be easily navigated and easy to find. It should also be visually appealing, which could mean the use of videos or infographics.
Hyperlocal search will gain more importance
As Google and Bing continue to refine their algorithms, hyperlocal search will become more important—and more critical for local businesses.
If you’re not familiar with the term “hyperlocal,” it refers to searching for local businesses, places and things on the web.
This type of search is often used in conjunction with local SEO (Search Engine Optimization), which is a strategy that businesses use to increase their visibility in search engines like Google or Bing by optimizing their websites and content for specific geographic areas.
These are the top 10 trends for next year
Let’s take a look at the top 10 SEO trends that’ll dominate in 2022.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will be used for content creation and optimization, as well as for enhancing user experience on websites and apps. AI can optimize the content of your website by analyzing it, finding any problems with it, and then fixing them so that it performs better in search engines. It can also personalize the user experience by recommending products based on past behavior or interests. This makes customers more likely to buy from you because they feel like they’re getting an individualized experience instead of generic ones found across all sites using similar products/services as yours.
- Contextual advertising will become more popular than ever before due to its ability to provide relevant ads based off users’ location or time spent on a site (iTunes). When people see ads related directly back into what they were just viewing on their screen seconds ago, there’s no reason not too!
The one thing that we can say for sure is that SEO trends are constantly evolving and changing. As long as there is a need to be found online, companies will continue to find new ways to optimize their websites so they’re ranked higher on SERPs. Greg gillespie can will your website optimize in google so that the page score will improve.