Pilates instructor course will teach you how to instruct the basic to intermediate level reformer exercises. Whipped your core muscles back to shape with Pilates! Pilates is taken as a form of physical therapy for back pain relief because it is effective. It works all the time! Pilates primarily targets deep core muscles. Just as in physical therapy, Pilates could bring about a long-term solution to pain in your back. Doing the exercises on a regular basis would eventually lead to a higher level of fitness and health.
Here are the 3 top reasons why Pilates works for back pain:
1. Build Up Your Core
Building up strong core through Pilates means not having to suffer any form of back injury. And for people who do not suffer from back pain, it can help prevent the onset of back problem and delay spinal degeneration as one age. The development of strong core muscles enhances proper body posture which benefits not just the back but also the entire body.
Pilates works because the exercise program involves slow and controlled movements. When movements are controlled, it means the muscles are in control working with the mind in sync. In time, this control translates to strong core strength. This core group of muscles is actually “switched on” all the time to provide optimum support for the entire spinal column. Strengthening the muscles in your body’s center straightens and stabilizes your spine.
A consistent Pilates training program in just two to three times in a week, over at least a month can bring about instant back pain relief. This is because Pilates, by that time, has already strengthened your core muscles. Your Pilates instructor would give you the signal to bring your pilates exercises routines to the next level. So that muscles that support your spine’s joints and ligaments would remain strong with continual challenge.
This way, Pilates not only work as a back pain relief program, it also serves as a preventive measure for future back pain relapse.
2. Promotes Body Awareness
As your core muscles get stronger, any misalignment at your lower back or neck area can be corrected and prevented. These are the two main areas where the spine is most prone to injury. Proper alignment of muscles around the spinal column leads to instant back pain relief. Thus, Pilates helps you sit, stand, run and walk properly.
Pilates in Singapore creates body awareness. Your core muscles would work more functionally in all aspects in the support of your daily physical activities. Muscles that should not be used when you stand, sit, or walk would not be forcefully utilized, unless required. Your body learns to become more intelligent. Use what is needed correctly! The result: instant back pain relief.
Above all, you achieve good body posture easily. You do not need to subject yourself to tedious and costly physical therapy. You can finally say goodbye to pain killing medications, which can be addictive. With great body awareness, you can now enjoy what you love to do and go where you love to visit.
3. Creates Space in Joints
The lack of space in joints structure is a contributing factor to nerve impingement and back pain in the lower back. Additional pressure on the spinal disc from bad posture and possible muscle knots in hips may also cause back pain.
Pilates back pain relief exercises works at breaking down tight knots that inhibits range of motion of the hip making normal functional motions of the pelvis (hip bone) impossible. Pilates introduces space in between tight lumbar vertebrae to improve movement. These exercises must be carefully monitored by a
qualified pilates instructor. Some of the exercises although painful if your back condition is chronic, will give way to relief if you work properly with certified supervision.
Are you going to allow your back pain to reach a stage where you need to consult a doctor? Physical therapy is usually recommended along with consultation. Your health insurance may not cover such therapy. Consequently, it would cost you more. Pilates offers a less tedious, less costly but more permanent back
pain relief.
Are you looking for an effective pain management strategy to get rid of back pain? Look no further, do Pilates! It is one of the safest and most effective ways to get rid of back pain!
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Joanna_Ng/868216
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6069148