Rubbish removal Northern Beaches Sydney are dedicated professionals who work to get the job done, they are down-to-earth bunch who are always on-time. I was out at lunch at a friend’s house a few weeks ago. Several very smart ladies were in the group, ladies I had not met before. They were talking about several men and I gradually realised that everyone in their group had at one time either dated or been married to every one of these men. It was like a conveyor belt, recycling the old partners to their friends and then moving on to the next.
It can be a useful way of moving something out of our lives, passing it onto someone else. What about a friendship or relationship that is fine but is just not working for us anymore. Some people have friendships with lovely people but they find that they have less and less in common. Or a relationship with a partner that both acknowledge has lost its passion and become more like a sibling relationship. Introducing someone to another person who may be more in tune with them can be a win/win situation for everyone. It takes the potential guilt or pressure away from the relationship and allows everyone to move on.
Recycling can be the most positive way of making the best of a situation.
– Recycle time. If something gets cancelled make a point of doing something positive with the time, rather than just fritter it away aimlessly. Use the opportunity to do something for yourself that you never normally find time for. Read a book, go for a walk, have a long leisurely bath. Make a point of really enjoying the sudden gift of free time.
– Recycle chocolates. In my family I suspect that there is a single box of chocolates that periodically gets passed from person to person at appropriate opportunities. No one dare open them because if that happened they know that the whole box would then have to be eaten. So, instead the chocolates simply get passed from one person to the next. It is an effective way of avoiding eating lots of calories.
– Recycle Skills. Many highly experienced and capable people are leaving their jobs, either through redundancy or by choice. Some may want to retire and they are able to afford the luxury of filling their days as they choose. Others may need to earn money or they still want to be involved in a work environment. Taking time to identify key skills and the type of role that would be stimulating and fulfilling can be an important commitment to oneself. Charity work, part-time work and becoming self-employed can all be useful to consider at this time.
– Recycle jobs. Some businesses may have small clients who order very little or are a lot of work for the profit generated. They may have valued those customers in the early days when they were growing their business, but now find them more of a nuisance. Recycling those customers onto smaller businesses can be a useful way of forming a good reputation and connection with the newer business and doing a service to the customer, who will no doubt be treated very well.
– Houses make sense to recycle. Someone may be living in a house that is far too big for them. Children have moved away, perhaps they are now single and moving into something smaller makes perfect sense. Or someone may need to move area and relocate for business or personal reasons. Letting a person exchange their home, find something that suits them better and exchange with another person gives everyone a positive solution. There may need to be a balance sheet if there is a discrepancy in value, but it allows for unwanted property to be recycled on to a good new owner.
Many of us have a greater social conscience and commit to recycling as much household waste as possible. Paper, glass, tin and plastic are automatically recycled in many areas. Mobile phones, used batteries, the list is growing of the unwanted items that are being disposed of conscientiously. Rather than throw things away people are more thoughtful about how unwanted things may be of value to others. Charities are overwhelmed with clothing and unwanted household goods, books and presents, many charities now being more particular about the items they are prepared to take. But thinking of how we dispose of unwanted and redundant items makes perfect sense.
Susan Leigh is a Counsellor and Hypnotherapist who works with
– stressed individuals to promote confidence and self belief
– couples in crisis to help improve communications and understanding
– with business clients to help support the health and motivation levels of individuals and teams
For more information see http://www.lifestyletherapy.net
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