Popuppicnic.com.au working with a diverse range of clients from many different industries, we have turn-key managed many corporate family days. The concept of computer hire for corporate events is not new. For a few years now, large corporations have invested a lot of money with event equipment hire companies to ensure that the IT systems they provide will add to the professionalism and efficiency of the corporate event. From PCs and flat screens to the latest laptops, the computer hire industry has produced countless successful events. Since the introduction of the Apple iPad over a year ago,events have changed shape for good. Now, we cannot look at event equipment hire without at least considering iPad hire as part of the package.
What can iPad hire do for you and your event attendees?
The endless possibilities offered by an iPad will enhance your event threefold. Recently, US company Freightliner used iPads to share product and sales information with over 500 dealership representatives at a conference. The company had also developed a special application to help dealers interact with potential customers. This was to promote a new era in the technology of event equipment hire through the innovative and cost effective use of iPad hire. Dealers received their own iPads which were especially configured with the new application and were taught how to manage the device itself. Apple representatives were invited to discover how corporate companies are using their technology.
This is just one example of how corporate events have integrated the iPad into their ‘show’. Apple’s new gadget continues to excite people with its range of features and abilities and therefore will make a fantastic addition to your next event if you want to impress the attendees. iPads are compact, durable and most importantly, they can take care of most of the information needed for your conference. You can create new applications to support the goals of your company and guests at your event will be able to learn and enjoy the information in an interactive and technologically advanced way.
Organising a corporate event or private function can be a daunting task. There is so much to organise, from catering, to guest lists, but the crucial part of any event is the technical equipment and furniture – two elements that will determine the success of the day. You do not want to cut corners on event equipment hire so it is necessary that you find the right company that can be relied upon for your every need.
Still hesitant about using iPad hire?
You may be hesitant to incorporate the use of iPads at your next corporate event for various reasons. Most common hesitations flow from unfamiliarity of the device itself. Like all new technologies, iPads will take a bit of getting used to. Of course, there is the issue of different hardware for the iPad 1 and iPad 2, however most event equipment companies will provide the latest versions for both and even someone who brings their own iPad to the event will be able to download the specific software and applications needed for the event.
The most important thing to remember is that the company who provides the iPad hire will also provide you with advice on how to install certain applications and organise the wi-fi setup for the conference room.
iPad hire is extremely popular among large companies, for this reason, especially in the case of corporate events. With the right technical assistance and large discounts for bulk iPad hire, your event will be up to date on technology and generally more professional in its nature.
Event Equipment provides service and products to the corporate audio visual events industry. We offer a huge selection of equipment and services such as audio hire, visual hire and more for all your audio visual requirements.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Yehuda_Perelview/1251279
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