Social media management has the potential to be an enormous asset for your company, but it’s a bit like having a fancy new car with no fuel. You need to know how to use it if you want to get anywhere. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to properly set up your content calendar and then use that information when scheduling posts on all of your social accounts at once. We’ve also got some tips for managing multiple accounts as well as tips for editing scheduled posts in case something comes up or there’s an error on your end.
How to use the content calendar to plan and schedule posts
The content calendar, which you can find in your publishing tools, is a great tool for helping you plan and schedule posts for all of your social media accounts. Use the calendar to:
- Plan and schedule posts for multiple social media accounts
- See when each post will be published on each platform
How to research the best hashtags for your post
You’ve decided to post on your social media channels, and you have an idea of what you want to share. Now it’s time to decide which hashtags you should use for your post.
Hashtags are a great way to get your content noticed and categorize it so that it is searchable by users who are interested in similar content. The more relevant hashtags you use, the more people will see your post!
It isn’t just about getting likes and comments; using relevant hashtags can also help you get more followers (and build up your follower base).
How to schedule a post for a specific date and time
- Schedule posts: This is an invaluable feature for a number of reasons. First, it saves you time by allowing you to schedule your posts in advance. Secondly, scheduling allows you to build a following and community around your brand, which will help build credibility and trust among potential customers. Finally, scheduling offers the opportunity to post on behalf of sponsored content or promotions that require more than one post per day (e.g., contests).
In order to schedule a post:
- Open your Facebook Page Manager app on desktop or mobile device;
- Go into the Posts section;
- Click “Schedule”;
- Select an image from your library (you can also use one from Facebook), write a caption and add any hashtags/link URLs;
How to manage social media accounts from one computer
To have a centralised location for your social media accounts, you will need to create a Google Account. This account will be used to manage all the other accounts you have created, such as Facebook and Twitter. To do this:
- Go to the website https://accounts.google.com/SignUp?hl=en&entry_point=mail_footer&passive=true&service=mail
- Follow the instructions provided by Google on how to create an account and what information is needed during registration
- Once your account has been created, you can download Gmail (the email service provided by Google) onto your computer or mobile device so that it can be accessed anywhere at any time. This means that if while travelling abroad you want access to social media accounts like Facebook or Twitter then all that needs doing is logging into Gmail using WiFi connections available in most places around world today!
Editing scheduled posts
Editing your scheduled posts is easy. The process varies depending on whether you’re editing from a mobile device, computer, or the content calendar.
Scheduled post editing from a mobile device: To edit an existing scheduled post from a mobile device, simply tap on the posting to open it up and make changes as needed. Once edited, tap “Done” at the top of your screen to save and publish your updated post!
Scheduled post editing from a computer: To edit an existing scheduled post from your personal computer or laptop, click on “Edit” in the top right corner of this page under “Settings” (see screenshot below). You should then see all of your scheduled posts listed in chronological order by date – just scroll down until you find yours and click on it! You’ll be taken directly into that particular scheduled post where you can make edits as needed before clicking “Save!” again at the bottom left corner of this page once satisfied with everything else there too 🙂
- Note: If no such option exists then please try refreshing/reloading this webpage instead by pressing Ctrl + R twice quickly right now if nothing works yet still needs doing after all!
Planning out an entire week or month of content with the bulk scheduler
- The bulk scheduler allows you to plan out an entire month of content, or a week at a time. You can use it to schedule posts for specific dates and times in the future, which is useful if you want to be sure that all your content goes up at once.
- The bulk scheduler also lets you edit scheduled content so that it’s exactly how you want it before it goes live. This is helpful when making changes based on what happened since the last time you checked in on social media!
- If multiple people are managing social media accounts for one business, then they should all be using the same computer—and this means they each need access to their own copy of Hootsuite’s bulk scheduler tool. Fortunately, there’s no limit on how many users can collaborate on this task simultaneously; just make sure everyone has their account set up correctly before starting!
Learn how to use the content calendar feature.
Before you get started, you’ll need to learn how to use the content calendar. Content calendars are a great way to keep track of what’s being posted, by whom and when. If you have multiple people working on your social media accounts or if it’s just hard for one person to keep track of everything they’re posting at once, using a content calendar is key.
The basic idea behind a content calendar is that it allows you to schedule posts in advance so that they won’t be missed by followers on any given day or week. This helps ensure that all the important information about your company gets out there when it needs to be seen most—and prevents anyone from accidentally missing an opportunity for engagement with their audience because they didn’t have time for posting at that moment in time!
There are many different ways in which marketers can use these tools: some people prefer creating a monthly master plan while others like having every day laid out before them so that nothing gets missed along the way (it’s worth trying both methods before deciding which works best).
We hope that this guide has been helpful to you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at our office. We’re here to help with anything you might need.