Is Yoga Good For Your Spine?

Yoga is a mind and body exercise with historical origins in ancient Indian philosophy. Different styles of yoga unite bodily postures, breathing methods, and relaxation or meditation. Our physio Northern Beaches have extensive experience in effectively treating all muscle and joint conditions.

In 5,000 years of yoga background, the term “yoga” has gone through a renaissance in present society, exchanging the loincloth to get a leotard and leggings.

Yoga is now popular as a kind of physical exercise predicated upon asanas (physical evaluations) to encourage enhanced control of body and mind and to enhance well-being, helping avoid a lot of spine problems and back pain.

Here are a few facts regarding yoga:

  • The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning “to yoke or join.” Some folks take this to imply a union of mind and body.
  • According to a market study in 2008, there are about 16 million people in the United States that practice yoga and spend at least $5.7 billion on yoga equipment per year.
  • Hatha yoga is the sort of yoga most often practiced in Western culture. “Ha” means “sun” and “tha” means “moon.”
  • There are lots of styles of yoga. An individual’s fitness level and desirable practice outcome determines the sort of yoga class on which they’re best suited.
  • There have been over 7,369 yoga-related accidents treated in doctors’ offices, clinics, and emergency areas in 2010 according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • Overstretching the spine, neck, legs, shoulders, and knees, as well as repetitive strain, are just some of the frequent yoga injuries.
  • Even the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) believes the rewards of yoga outweigh the potential physical dangers.
  • Yoga is described as having eight limbs or branches: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyhara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi.
  • Practicing yoga has many possible health benefits including relieving low back pain, assisting with anxiety management and increasing flexibility and balance.
  • There is some evidence to suggest that pregnant women taking yoga courses are far less likely to experience problems in subsequent pregnancy and labor.

The Background of Yoga

There is not any written document of the inventor of yoga. Yogis (yoga practitioners) practiced yoga long before any written account of this came into existence. Yogis within the millennia handed down the discipline for their students and several distinct schools of yoga developed because the practice widened in international reach and fame.

Sanskrit, the Indo-European terminology of the Vedas, India’s early spiritual texts, also gave birth to the literature and the method of yoga. The “Yoga Sutra,” a 2,000-year-old treatise on yogic doctrine from the Indian sage Patanjali is a type of guidebook that gives guidance about the best way best to gain control over the mind and emotions and advice on spiritual development, providing the framework upon which yoga practiced today is based.

The Yoga Sutra is the earliest written record of yoga and also one of the oldest texts in life.

The Sanskrit word “yoga” has many translations and can be translated in a variety of ways. Many translations purpose toward translations of “to yoke,” “join,” or “focus” – essentially a way to unite or a process of discipline. A male who practices this subject is referred to as a yogi or yogin plus a female professional is known as a yogini.

The positions that are now an integral component of health and fitness in many facilities around the world were not initially a dominant part of yoga traditions in India. Fitness was not a chief aim of training; the focus has been placed on other practices such as pranayama (expansion of the very important energy by means of breath), Dharana (concentration, or placement of the emotional faculty), also nada (sound).

Yoga began to gain recognition in the West at the end of the 19th century, with an explosion of interest in Pilates at the 1920s and 1930s, first in India and later in the West.

Different Types of Yoga

Modern forms of yoga have significantly evolved to exercise focusing on strength, flexibility, and breathing to boost physical and mental well-being. There are many types of yoga, and no style is more authentic or superior to another; the secret is to decide on a class suitable for your fitness level.

Types and styles of yoga:

  1. Ashtanga yoga: There are ancient yoga teachings found in the 1970s where it indicates that each of the six sequences of postures links every motion of the body rapidly.
  2. Bikram yoga: kept in heated rooms at temperatures of nearly 105 degrees and 40% humidity, so Bikram is a collection of 26 poses and chain of two breathing exercises.
  3. Hatha yoga: a generic term for any type of yoga which teaches physical postures. When a class is tagged as “hatha,” it is generally a gentle introduction to the fundamental yoga postures.
  4. Iyengar yoga: concentrated on locating the appropriate alignment in every pose and utilizing props such as blocks, blankets, straps, chairs and bolsters to achieve that
  5. Jivamukti yoga: significance, “liberation when alive,” Jivamukti yoga emerged in 1984, integrating religious teachings and vinyasa design exercise. Each class has a subject, which is explored through yoga scripture, chanting, meditation, asana, pranayama, and songs, and could be physically extreme.
  6. Kripalu yoga: teaches practitioners to get to know, accept and learn from your system. In a Kripalu class, each student chooses to find their own level of training on a particular evening by day looking inward. The courses usually begin with breathing exercises and gentle stretches, accompanied by a collection of patient poses and last relaxation.
  7. Kundalini Yoga: the Sanskrit word kundalini means coiled, like a snake. Kundalini Yoga is a system of meditation aimed toward the discharge of kundalini energy. A class generally begins with rebounds and ends with singing, also in between attributes asana, pranayama, and meditation intended to make a specific outcome.
  8. Power yoga: an energetic and athletic type of yoga accommodated in the traditional Ashtanga method in the late 1980s.
  9. Sivananda: a system predicated on a five-point philosophy that holds that appropriate breathing, relaxation, diet, exercise, and positive thinking function with each other to produce a healthy yogic way of life. Commonly uses the same 12 basic asanas, bookended by sun salutations and savasana presents.
  10. Viniyoga: meant to be adaptive to any person, irrespective of physical skill, viniyoga educators are needed to be trained and have a tendency to be experts on anatomy and treatment.
  11. Yin: a quiet, meditative yoga exercise, also known as Taoist yoga. Yin yoga enables the discharge of tension in joints: ankles, knees, buttocks, the entire back, neck, and shoulders. Yin presents are passive, meaning the muscles must be relaxed while gravity does the job.
  12. Prenatal yoga: yoga postures carefully adapted for people that are pregnant. Prenatal yoga is made to help individuals in all phases of pregnancy and can support people in getting back to shape after pregnancy.
  13. Restorative yoga: a relaxing way of yoga, investing a course in four or five simple poses using props like blankets and strengthens to sink into deep relaxation without exerting some effort in carrying the pose.

Benefits of Doing Yoga

1. Improves your flexibility

Increased flexibility is one of the first and most obvious benefits of yoga. Throughout your first class, you probably will not have the ability to touch your toes, never mind do a backbend. But if you stay with it, you will notice a gradual loosening, and eventually, seemingly impossible poses will become potential. You will also probably notice that pains and pains start to disappear. That’s no coincidence. Tight shoulders can breed the knee joint as a result of the improper alignment of the thigh and shin bones. Tight hamstrings can result in a portion of the lumbar spine, which may lead to back pain. And inflexibility in muscles and connective tissues, such as fascia and ligaments, can cause poor posture.

2. Builds muscle strength

Strong muscles do more than look great. They also protect us in conditions like arthritis and back pain and help prevent falls in older men and women. When you build strength through yoga, then you balance it with flexibility. If you just moved into the gym and lifted weights, you could build strength at the cost of flexibility.

3. Perfects your posture

Your head is like a bowling ball – big, circular, and hefty. When your head is balanced perfectly over a vertical spine, there’s less work for your back and neck muscles to help support it. Move it several inches ahead, however, and you also begin to strain those muscles. Imagine holding a bowling ball while leaning forward for eight or 12 hours each day, no wonder you’re tired! And fatigue might not be your only problem. Poor posture can cause neck, back, and other joint and muscle problems. As you slump, your body can compensate for flattening the standard inward curves in your neck and lower back. This may result in pain and degenerative arthritis of the spine.

4. Prevents joint and cartilage breakdown

Each time you practice yoga, you simply take your muscles through their entire selection of movement. This can help prevent degenerative arthritis or mitigate handicap by “squeezing and soaking” regions of cartilage which normally are not utilized. Joint cartilage is like a sponge; it receives new nutrients only if its fluid is squeezed out and a new supply can be soaked up. Without appropriate sustenance, failed regions of cartilage may finally wear out, exposing the underlying bone-like weary brake pads.

5. Protects your backbone

Spinal discs – the shock absorbers between the vertebrae that may herniate and compress nerves – crave movement. That’s the only way they receive their nourishment. Once you practice doing a well-balanced asana posture with a lot of forwarding bends, backbends, and twists, you’ll be able to keep your spinal discs flexible.

6. Helps you focus

An important component of yoga is focusing on the present. Studies have found that regular yoga practice improves coordination, reaction time, memory, and even IQ scores. Those who practice Transcedental Meditation demonstrate and gain the ability to remember information better and solve problems because their concentration is better. They’re less distracted by their thoughts which can sometimes play over and over again like an endless loop. Polestarpilates knows how meditation works in our day to day life.

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What Paint Color Trends Are HOT Right Now?

Get Your Paint Colors Here! Paint colors are a very important part of any room. It can make or break a room. It is not a surprise that people are always looking for new paint color trends. If you want to know some of the top paint color trends, just keep reading. There is also a video below that shows some paint colors that are really cool and some that you may not want to use. One of the hottest paint color trends is the use of metallic paints. Metallic paints have been used on cars for years but now they have found their way into homes as well. Metallic paints have a variety of different names such as: copper, gold, silver, bronze and more. You can create all sorts of new looks with metallic paints on walls and furniture. The next hottest paint color trend is something called jelly roll stripes. Jelly roll stripes are created by taking two different colors and painting them right next to each other in a striped pattern across your wall or piece of furniture. Jelly roll stripes can be very hot or very subtle depending on the colors you choose and how large the stripe is. Tv storyboard even in advertising they look enticing.

Choosing paint colors for your home, office, or business can be a daunting task. We’ve compiled a list of the hottest paint colors and also popular color trends for the home and office, so you can get the right colors for your space. Paint Color Trends Color trends are constantly changing to reflect our tastes and styles. The use of bold and bright paint colors has been on the rise and is expected to continue into 2015. Other popular paint color trends include: matte finishes, deep textured paints, and metallic accents. Color Palette Ideas Use these color ideas as a starting point for finding the perfect paint colors for your space – whether it’s one room or an entire house! We’ve matched up each paint color trend with a suggestion of what room(s) it would work best in; use this as a guide if you’re not quite sure where to start.

Awareness of color trends is essential, whether you are planning to paint your home this year or are making plans for a future home. The trend for home walls has been toward neutral colors, with white being the most popular. This makes sense, as it is the easiest color to maintain. But regardless of whether you are planning to paint your home this year, keep an eye on the latest trends. There are several great ways to find out what colors are trending right now. One way is to attend a local home show that exhibits the newest painting products and techniques. Another option is to hang out at a construction site or home improvement store and take note of what colors people are buying; this gives you an idea of what people can’t seem to get enough of at the moment. Depending on where you live, you may also be able to spot which colors are trending by simply driving around town and looking at the houses around you. There’s always someone who jumps ahead of the curve; if one house in your neighborhood has vibrant purple trim, chances are that color will be everywhere next year!

The latest paint color fads are just the most recent chapter in the ongoing saga of the search for beautiful, easy-to-live-with colors that will enhance any home. The early 20th century witnessed a radical shift in aesthetics, as bold new colors rose to popularity. Fauvism, an artistic movement founded in Paris in 1905, made use of unconventional pigment choices and vivid hues. Fauvist artists are known for painting landscapes with wild brushstrokes and bright colors. The name Fauvism comes from the French word fauve , which refers to a wild beast with bright colors. Fauvist painters were not afraid to experiment with their art forms. These colorful paintings are sometimes described as “wild” or “passionate.” Familiarize yourself with this important art movement by viewing the color trends of the early 1900s.

I’m not talking about “trends” as in fashion or music. I’m talking about real trends, like paint colors. You may have heard the one about the woman who got fired for painting her office bright green and orange. It’s a story that gets told and retold because we love to hear stories about how other people screw up. And we love to hear stories about how bosses are stupid, because our bosses probably are stupid. But the story isn’t quite true. The woman didn’t get fired for painting her office; she got fired for lying to her boss about what color she painted it. The story doesn’t really illustrate anything except that people will sometimes lie to their bosses, but it is true that some people get fired for choosing paint colors. That’s because color is important, even if you don’t think it is, and even if you’re an idiot. When I say paint colors are important, what I mean is this: if your house looks ugly, you will be less happy living there than if it looks pretty. That may sound obvious, but what I mean by “pretty” isn’t just whether it looks good to you or me, or whether it matches your sofa cushions or your curtains. Pretty has a precise meaning. This article will guide you on paint colors.

Why Hire an SEO Company Or SEO Services For Online Business?

Many businesses which are hoping to increase their online presence are hiring an SEO company or using SEO packages Melbourne well to gain every single benefit while achieving their goals.

Although attempting to learn SEO yourself is a good idea as well as a tempting one, there are high chances you might implement SEO techniques wrongly because they need months and years of experience.

“On the other hand, you can’t let your website in a standby zone yielding no business and income.”

The only possible answer one can find is outsourcing a team of SEO experts with the skills and required experience to bring in the best results at affordable rates.

The world wide web market has undoubtedly got a boom in online selling and buying, blogging, promotion/marketing, etc. and the race is getting higher with time to be on Google’s first page.

Moreover, it is one of the earnest desire of any business person to see his/her website at the top among the competitors of the same business vertical.

However, if these reasons are not enough to understand the need for SEO in your online product, then following SEO advantages surely makes it clear Why Hire an SEO Company Or SEO Services For Online Business?

TOP Reasons Why SEO Is Important For Your Online Business
What is seen is sold! We have been hearing this for a long time. This five words phrase adequately describes the nature of the online business or the web-tech Thanos sized market.

Any SEO company or SEO service provider has one rule, “optimize the site in a way that it clears all the Google norms, let the people come and pay a visit automatically.”

Now, if your website is designed qualitatively and present the products or the services around the market prize quantitatively, your chances of becoming a brand increases.

But, all this happens if your website is seen by the consumer or customer in a better way. And it is possible if your Search engine rank escalates in a set pattern.

BPS IT Services in India is one such SEO company who is currently focussing on increasing the ranks of websites from scratch because we take SEO services seriously due to its five significant advantages.

Better traffic, better result: With WordPress, it has become easy to develop a well-designed website; however, if the site is not getting traffic, then it is of no use. A right kind of traffic brings big-time sells where organic should be the only priority. If SEO is done correctly, you stand a chance to be in your targeted audience’s search result.

Free keyword audit reports: Every single thing on Google has some rank! The important part is picking out those things according to your business niche that gives a daily chance of being in the search results. An SEO company or freelance SEO service providers work on those things which we call keywords. They use a certain amount of keywords in the landing pages, web pages, URLs, etc. and increase the traffic.

Working on keywords and generating organic traffic on your website go hand in hand, their accountability on each other is as same as the winds move the clouds in the atmosphere!

Therefore, freelance expert or a well-established SEO company providing SEO services always follow the latest SEO tips and tricks to keep a website in touch of organic traffic.

Content is a game changer: Many times, SEO manager or an executive might not know which keywords have better value? What can rank well? Which keyword is audiences favorite search query? But, a good content writer does have the ability to work on each kind of popular and LSI SEO keywords to make content rich in information while keeping one eye on the ranking factors.

Nowadays, it is difficult to get a better writer, and if you have an SEO company by your side, then it only looks like a solution to each and every problem.

Saves time: If you hire an SEO company, then you have the chance and time to work on the quality of your business products happily. Also, you get the opportunity to learn more about online promotion and digital marketing with the experts of SEO services.

Finally, legitimacy is the final perspective: A client gets the chance to meet all kinds of digital marketing companies influencing the market via SEO. But, it is crucial to understand that a company who use aggressive SEO technique and illegitimate SEO tips and tricks might give you results in weeks or a few months.

But, if the process is caught by Google and traffic suddenly dips down, then there one excuse, “It happened due to changes in Google’s algorithm will be loudly hearable to your ears. Don’t fall for a bad company.

Working on SEO need patience and time, thus learning and implementing it yourself can be the biggest challenge in your life.

Furthermore, if you have the budget to hire SEO company, then you should go for it as organic traffic generation, keyword auditing, content writing and following logical SEO process, all are the SEO services which must be implemented at the same time and in a vast manner. Make sure to use these tips for choosing an SEO company.

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Why The Food You Eat Before And After Workouts Matters

Most of us are aware that what we eat before and after exercise is important. Most of us, however, would be hard-pressed to explain exactly why this is the case. Many people think that eating in the hours leading up to a workout will slow digestion or cause stomach upset when training. This isn’t true. The body will not digest food during exercise (with the exception of small amounts of carbohydrates in the form of glucose). The more likely scenarios are that you either don’t consume enough nutrients, or your digestion is so slowed down by your workout that you have no appetite for whole meals afterward. This article will cover both of these issues and hopefully help you decide what to do about it. Physio Northern Beaches treatment is often aimed at restoring or maintaining mobility, function, and well-being, to foster your independence and ability to participate at work, home, school and in your community.

In the world of diet and exercise, just about everyone is looking for some secret formula to follow in order to get lean. And while there is a ton of information disseminated on a daily basis on these topics, many people still aren’t getting the results they want. If you have been struggling to lose weight while at the same time trying to build lean muscle mass, you may have been following a routine that mixes cardio with strength training. If so, you might be wondering whether it’s okay to eat food before and after each workout. It’s a good question and something that many people don’t think about when they begin exercising. The answer? Yes, you can eat before and after your workouts; but there are some precautions that you need to take in order to make sure you’re optimizing your results and getting the best benefits from your efforts in the gym.

One of the top complaints I hear from people who are just starting out on a fitness journey is that they’re not seeing the results they want. The answer to that problem is rarely “you have to work harder” or “you have to go longer.” Chances are, you’re already working hard and going long enough. So what gives? The answer is simple: your diet. Food is the fuel your body uses for everything, including exercise. If you don’t have enough of it or if it isn’t high quality, your body cannot function properly. When you exercise, you are putting stress on your body. If it is not getting the nutrients it needs to repair itself, the outcome will be reduced performance and even injury.

A substantial amount of research demonstrates that proper consumption of carbohydrates before and after weight training can lead to noticeable increases in performance, increases in lean muscle mass, and decreases in the amount of fat you carry. Physiologically speaking, weight training causes micro-tears in your muscles. These tears need to be repaired so that your muscles will come back stronger than they were before. Protein is one of the building blocks used by your body to repair these tears. The consumption of protein has been linked to increased amounts of lean muscle tissue and strength gains.

One study shows that subjects who consumed 30 grams of protein two hours after completing a weight training session showed an increase in lean muscle mass and strength gains when compared to the group that only consumed 15 grams. The consumption of carbohydrates has been shown to increase glycogen levels, which is your body’s storage form of carbohydrates. Glycogen is what our bodies convert carbohydrates into for energy purposes especially during physical activity (i.e., exercise). Consuming carbohydrates prior to weight training will give your body the fuel it needs to complete the workout; consuming them after will replenish its carbohydrate stores thereby enabling it to perform better during subsequent workouts.

We all know what it’s like to feel the pangs of hunger, but few of us understand how beneficial it can be to feel this way. An empty stomach acts like a car running on empty; it requires much more energy to start and operate. Research has demonstrated that when you eat before exercise, your body has more endurance. This is especially true when you fast for at least 10 hours (going without food for about 12 hours is best).

Not only will you feel better when exercising with an empty stomach, but it may even help you lose weight. Here are some other benefits that come from exercising on an empty stomach:

– Increased fat burning

– Increased flexibility

– Improved insulin sensitivity

– Decreased cortisol levels (cortisol is a stress hormone)

– Increased human growth hormone (HGH) release which helps build muscle I recommend exercising in the morning because research shows that your body burns more fat throughout the day when you exercise in the morning than if you exercise at night.

Also, by exercising in the morning, you will be less likely to overeat later in the day. Discover more tips about workouts.

All You Need to Know About Junk Removal and the Professional Removalists

Waste or junk as we commonly called is something that is extracted from every living being. Humans are the ones who extract the maximum amount of waste on a daily basis that is retrieved from households, manufacturing units, offices, etc. The first place where we can start with is our houses and the premises around it. You would notice that the waste retrieved from our homes consist of paper, food wraps, broken glass, vegetable waste, unused electrical appliances etc. These wastes are often put into categories like perishable, non-perishable, recyclable, etc. and accordingly treated. Adelaide Eco Bins handle all types of rubbish, large or small, and do so with the environment in mind.

What is Garbage treatment?

When compared to the time several decades ago, people dug pits and treated their garbage but with every passing day, digging holes is not a solution. Due to the dearth of space, the wastes are often treated in special treatment centres and accordingly recycled or disposed. It is a task that requires professional interference and is conducted in the most professional manner where the use of modern technology brings out the goodness of the waste by allowing it to serve other purposes.

Reasons to hire professionals for junk removal

The task of domestic waste removal is something that is best left with the professionals. While you have a contract with them, they would regularly come over to pick domestic garbage as well as the garden garbage and treat them accordingly. Here is a detailed explanation of the reasons to hire them and the benefits you would receive from their services.

• Takes away all types of garbage – You would notice that in the skip bin placed at your neighbourhood doesn’t allow you to dispose electrical appliances, clothing and impose several other restrictions. The professionals who would come over with a disposal bin of their own would take away all types of garbage extracted from your house. You can dispose old carpets, broken appliances, wood, broken tree branches and every possible thing you do not need anymore.

• Saves time – While the professionals are hired by you, you get to save up on time and not worry about personally visiting the skip bins to dispose the junk. The professionals would come over on time and take away all that you want to dispose and treat them in the most environment-friendly manner.

• Keeps your premises clean – The accumulation or dirt and garbage often leads to the production of harmful gases and also attracts pests which have ill effects on the health. While the professionals come over on a regular basis to remove your garbage, there are no chances for health issues. This would allow you to stay healthy as well as have a safe environment. Visit us to check your premises.

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4 Social Media Myths

Social media services is the buzz word in marketing. You can be watching TV, eating in a restaurant, or on your computer and you will see or hear some mention of a social networking site. It may be Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Blogs, or another of the many social networks.

Whether you are on the social networks or not, you’ve even come to recognize their logos. Social media has become a way of life and a powerful marketing avenue for businesses.

But as powerful a source as social media presents, there are some business owners who still aren’t utilizing this incredible opportunity to grow their business sighting one or more of these 4 myths:

Myth #1: It’s Just A Fad

Social media is still in its infant stages, however, it’s already proven its value and is definitely here to stay! Facebook has over 400 million active viewers who spend over 500 million minutes per day on Facebook alone.

Traditional advertising, newspaper ads, telephone ads, and direct mailers are static in nature. They are usually advertisements about your services. Once the printed piece is presented there is no opportunity for connecting with and engaging the viewer and answering their concerns.

Social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Blogs allow you to connect and engage your viewers with one on one conversation or group conversations.

What does this mean for you: More potential new patients and more treatment acceptance.

Do you know anyone who likes…really likes…going to the dentists? I don’t and I’ve been in it for almost 30 years. But one of the most amazing facets of social media is the ability to become real, not just an advertisement or a picture in a telephone ad…you become real!

Your viewers get to see their dentist as a real person, your personality, your hobbies, your likes and dislikes, even your ups and your downs… you’re real…you’re human. You also have become their “go to” person in your field of expertise.

Viewers are reading your posts, learning more about dentistry, finding out why they should visit a dentist and have their treatment done, seeing there can be medical complications when treatment goes undone. All because you are presenting valuable information in your posts previously unavailable to patients due to limited time and access for information while visiting your office.

All of this combines into establishing credibility, gaining trust, and building relationships and hopefully take some of the fear away associated with “going to the dentists”…and if a patient or potential new patient knows someone with a dental problem, who do you think they are going to refer them to….you!

Myth #2: Social Media Platforms Are Only For Teenagers

Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are no longer sites just for teenagers. Businesses have found these networking sites to present an incredible opportunity for connecting with and engaging their audience.

According to Inside Facebook, a Facebook tracking source,the fastest growing demographic is Women over 55. Women also comprised over 56.2% of Facebooks audience, and 45% of Facebook’s US audience is women over age 26.

What does this mean for you: Women make approximately 80% of the decisions concerning purchases for themselves and their families.

What percentage of women are in your practice and what’s their average age…bet they fall into one of these two ranges above. Women are extremely active on the Internet and social media networks. When the phone rings at your office, well over the majority of the calls are from women scheduling appointments or getting information.

Myth #3: Too Time Consuming and Overwhelming

The number of social media platforms available and all the information about social media can be overwhelming, IF you try to use all the networks starting out.

One of the best pieces of advice is to start with just one, possibly two, of the social networks and become comfortable with how to use it. It’s better to be active and consistent on just a couple of sites than to be semi-active and inconsistent on a bunch of sites.

Time is always a big factor in managing social media, but once past the learning curve, much of the work can (and should) be put on “auto-pilot”.

Later if you determine you want to be active on the other sites but may not feel confident enough or may not have the time to manage the sites, you can always choose to outsource some or all your social media activities.

What does this mean for you: Choose where you want to start and jump in…take action!

Realize you can assign someone in your practice (person must see the benefit and be social) to manage your social sites, however, this person should never post for you in the 1st person as speaking for you. You will also want to have a social media policy in place for “what to and what not to” post.

As you grow you will learn much of your posts and information can be done ahead of time and preset to post in the future. There are a lot of sites that allow you to make one post and then that site will automatically post your information to several other network sites…sort of “one post does all”.

Myth #4: It Will Cost Too Much

Your advertising budget is one of the largest expenses associated with your practice. You have your newspaper and telephone book ads, magazine ads, direct mail outs, and possibly printed newsletters.

Two major problems with traditional print ads: 1) They are static as mentioned earlier in this article and once read, there’s no interaction with the viewer. 2) With print ads, especially direct mail outs, at best there is only about a 5% return on the investment…what happened to the other 95% of your investment dollars?

Solution: Social media marketing – interacting with patients and potential new patients.

What does this mean for you: All the social media networking sites are Free to join, come with unlimited use, and are marketing your practice…24 / 7 / 365!

It would be a mistake to pretend social media is totally free because there is the time involved with maintaining your sites, especially when maintained well whether maintained in-house or outsourced to a third party.

When you factor in how many, or should I say how few, people are actually reached with traditional advertising, the cost of budgeting money for an ongoing social media presence pales in comparison.

Add to that the fact only about 15% of the population still uses telephone books and print ads with the other 85% using online sources, you can see why creating and maintaining your online presence is critical to your practice.

Bottom line: When done correctly, social media marketing has the ability to cut your advertising budget by as much as 90%! This translates into more money in your children’s college fund, more money to travel and enjoy life, and…last but not least, more time on the golf course (or your favorite hobby)!!

The primary objective of social media marketing is a bridge that gives you access to people, information, and even companies that in the past, you didn’t have access to. Its one-on-one contact and its word of mouth advertising in the best of forms and…most of its….Free.

Through your social media communities and patient inactivity you establish your practice’s online visibility, make contacts, gain their trust, and build profitable relationships ultimately leading to more new patients, more treatment acceptance, and more product and services sales.

Isn’t that what you’ve wanted to do since you opened your practice? With social media…you can! Click here to get to know some do’s and don’t in social media.

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Superfoods for Your Gut

Restore the natural flora

One of the biggest issues facing the planet has always been pollution. It’s caused by fossil fuels, deforestation, and private planes all over the place. One way to combat this is by planting flowers that fix toxins in the soil instead of allowing them to spread further. Another way is to find eco-friendly products in stores. When gut health is good the next question is how to improve gut health more?

Avoid processed foods and sugars

Processed foods and sugars in general are bad for you. Processed foods are usually surrounded by lies about having benefits when in fact they have none. The opposite of this is healthy foods, which are usually surrounded by claims that they have benefits but are actually harmful. Cows and chickens have natural hormones that make them produce milk when they are pregnant. Processed foods take this away from you and replace it with an unhealthy from of energy drinks and bread.

Processed foods contain highly refined carbohydrates and sugars. Avoiding them will help your body burn fat instead of storing fat. It also means avoiding processed versions of popular foods like cereal, pasta, and potatoes. Processed carbohydrates spike your blood sugar levels which makes you hungry and thirsty. When you drink water or eat cereal without added sugars, your blood sugar levels go down.

Take probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are taken as a active part of a health regimen to promote a healthy digestive tract, increase energy level and even fight off a number of diseases. The good news is that you can take these powerful little devils anywhere and they will grow and thrive in your body. Just be sure to obtain a reliable source of these organisms as some are contained in dangerous forms in non-probiotic foods and drinks.

Probiotics are like superfoods for the digestive tract. According to research from the University of Connecticut, eating diverse and balanced diets can boost your immunity, support the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract, and even help prevent various types of gastrointestinal diseases and inflammatory conditions. Here I’ll walk you through some of the basics of probiotics, what they do for you, and some options for buying them in bulk.

Give it time to work

Your gut (or gut instinct) is your body’s internal tell-tale that warns you about danger and recommends actions to avoid it. Your gut can be wrong about things. It can push you into situations that aren’t good for you, in fact. Making long-term economic decisions involves weighing up the pros and cons of each option. And when you read news stories about new studies showing that certain foods can slow aging, take note! It’s not always about what vernacular proverb says, but what actual science says…

How to stay motivated is the most important thing you can do for your quest for healthy living. If you take on a big challenge or commit to a goal without giving it time to sink in, you’re setting yourself up to fail. It takes time for habits to become invisible, so give yourself plenty of time to feel inspired, enthusiastic, and positively motivated. The rest of this article outlines the process of how I give myself this time. Go now and recommend any healthy tips for your gut.

Pilates for Pregnancy

They call it labour for a good reason. To sustain that hard work at that time it is a good idea to equip your body for it. Pilates sessions for pregnancy will help you see how important it is to prepare your body (and mind) for that special time of delivery and to actually get you to do the right exercises, specifically designed for each of the three trimesters and specifically designed for the individual woman. Gain experience with the Pilates exercises and get certified in a Pilates instructor course.

You will know also what is better to do after having given birth. So Pilates sessions for Post natal women is very much there to help you get your body in shape; but do not kid yourself, hard vigorous exercising straight after is a no, no as it is NO, no to engage yourself in strenuous crunches. Please, even if you decide for no Pilates, give yourself a break first and leave quite some time before you start your crunches. Do yourself that favour.

Let me briefly explain this: The rectus abdominus muscles will separate right out to the sides as the uterus expands and makes room for the growing fetus. This set of muscles will then remain open out for quite some time. If you work them straight after, you will make them stronger in that position and they will be much more difficult to rejoin back closer. This may have dire consequences with time; you basically have your abdomen exposed.

If you however think very highly of your body and your health, want to avoid the risk of abdominal hernia down the line, get a Pilates instructor specifically qualified for pregnancy. You will work together right through: from conception to birth and after a short break of about 6-7 weeks again with yet a different programme. Remember: yes, you will be doing this to be fit, but most importantly add the benefits of being healthy and happy.

And no, you do not have to wait to be pregnant before starting; in fact best to get on with it before you get there. Being pregnant means a lot of unpredictable times day in and day out and you will probably feel like exercising should be the last thing on your mind! You will establish a rapport though with your Pilates teacher where you will feel understood and supported. We can all do with a sympathetic approach, especially during special circumstances. Tips are good but you need to apply it to be proven.

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The Benefits of SEO Outsourcing and What to Look for in an SEO Company

There are many ways you can bring more traffic to your website but search engine optimization or SEO is by far the best approach. SEO in layman’s term is the implementation of different strategies to please the search engines and in return, rank higher on their search results. Search engine optimization consultants considers to be an expert in SEO industry, they provide solutions to business to get higher ranking and covert it into sales.

Traffic from the search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing is considered gold by online entrepreneurs because of the potential profit that can be made out of it. It is considered valuable because it’s highly targeted and has a high conversion rate. Therefore, if you are running a business online, it’s imperative and strategic that you include SEO in your online marketing plan.

Unfortunately, SEO is time-consuming and requires some technical skills to be effective at it. While it is no rocket science and can be learned from resources available online, the learning curve is steep and the training resources are oftentimes misleading. Remember that there’s a proper and ethical way of doing SEO. If you implement unethical SEO strategies that you have acquired from unreliable sources, you put your website at risk of being banned in the search results – the nightmare of every online entrepreneur!

If you don’t have time and you don’t want to risk your website from potential penalties, outsourcing SEO is a viable solution. Here are some good reasons why outsourcing SEO leads to better results and higher productivity:

  • SEO companies invest in training and technology to be informed on all the latest updates from the major search engines. This allows them to create effective and safe strategies that will yield results and will not get your website in trouble.
  • Since SEO is their core service, SEO companies are more efficient to carry out SEO campaigns. Their expertise and resources allow them to accomplish their tasks effectively.
  • Outsourcing SEO saves you money. It takes away the costs incidental to the organization, maintenance and training of your in-house SEO team.
  • Outsourcing SEO increases your productivity. By taking away the hassles of search engine optimization from your team, you are given more time to manage your resources and focus your attention to your core business resulting in higher and better productivity.

Not all SEO companies are created equal; hence, you need to find one that meets your requirements. Here are some helpful tips to guide you when searching for that ideal SEO Company:

Knowledge and Experience

You should choose an SEO company that is both knowledgeable and experienced in search engine optimization. The company should be able to discuss to you in detail the strategies that they use in running a campaign. More importantly, they should be able to answer your questions without using jargons. They should also be able to provide you with sample projects that they have managed successfully. If they are a reputable SEO company, they won’t have no problem providing you with references.

Immediate Results Guarantee

Stay away from SEO companies that guarantee results. The truth is, no SEO company can guarantee top ranking and the specific timeframe it takes to achieve it. Google’s algorithm is top-secret and unknown to all SEO practitioners. It’s constantly evolving, which makes guaranteeing results even more impossible. Chances are that you are dealing with an SEO company that uses unethical SEO strategies if they guarantee immediate success. While it’s possible to achieve top rankings in a few days using shady SEO techniques, it’s most likely going to be short-lived. Your website could be banned in the search engines, which is the worst thing that can happen.

Consider your SEO campaign as a long-term investment that should be approached with caution and should be implemented gradually and consistently.

Deliverables and Reports

You don’t want to be paying for your SEO without solid evidence that you are getting closer to your objective. This is why a performance report, that is delivered at least once a month, is essential to your campaign. A reputable SEO company will not only send you monthly reports but will make clear the deliverables you should expect.

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Four Keys of The Brain-Gut Connection

Many people are wondering about the connection between the brain and colon. I receive email inquiries rendering curiosities about the relationship between my spiritual guidance and colon therapy. Why am I associating the delivery of profound wisdom with a water-based cleansing to the colon? I think this is a great question which opens another door for explaining this exclusive relationship between the brain and colon. I have four keys to nurture your paradigm shift. Part of gut health diet is to limit foods that are high in fat.

Colon Therapy

Knowledge of colon therapy is essential to understanding this unique healing relationship. This therapy is the water irrigation of a colon utilizing warm, filtered water for cleansing. Your body is made of 75 – 80% water. Your brain is approximately 80% water. You are walking water, flesh and bones. The first key to understanding the brain-gut connection is knowing the colon requires optimal water hydration to foster efficient movement of waste. The process employs a disposable, two hose kit attaching to a speculum which inserts into the rectum at the onset of the procedure. The hoses connect to a colon therapy device affixed directly to the sewage line. The process is clean, gentle and can assist relief from a number of health issues.

The Body

Do you remember the movie Robots? It’s a Disney Pixar film featuring the adventure of a baby robot turning into a man while journeying to find his place amongst inventors. At the movie’s introduction, the baby robot comes in a box, from the factory. The parents had to use directions for placement of each body piece in order to manifest the sum of their baby robot.

Unfortunately, many of us believe that our body organs and parts are all separate. However, unlike the baby robot, humans are born as one whole body unit. The second key to grasping this exceptional healing opportunity is acknowledging your body as one unit. Therefore, if one body organ is malfunctioning, there is, at least, one other accessory organ in the body, struggling to compensate for the inefficiency of its partner organ. Your body has a blueprint dependent upon the function of its entire unit. To embrace this knowledge is to create a new opening for healing.

The Mind

The brain is a shell which encapsulates the mind of your being’s existence. A mind is the most powerful element of one’s body. The mind generates your thoughts. The brain carries out the function of your thoughts delivered from the powerful direction of your mind. The mind is empowered to generate and decipher the mental, physical and spiritual information received by the body. Subsequently, these messages, conveyed within the depths of the mind, must move through the digestive processes of the body. Upon completion, this digestion is represented in the form of waste. The waste is a by-product of the information transacted by the mind. It carries an energy that one must release from the body, timely. The colon temporarily houses this residual. It is responsible for releasing this excrement from the body. To withhold these messages is to create a dense plethora of negative waste energy “weighting” the entire body downward into mental, physical or spiritual sickness. However, to release this material is to free the mind, body and spirit toward creative outlets. The third key to learning this exclusive brain-gut healing relationship is familiarizing yourself with the philosophy I teach my clients: The information processed inside the mind travels through the body’s entire digestive process for release through the colon. Your colon communicates with your mind and takes on the responsibility of interpreting those thoughts. If you are constipated in your mind, your body will replicate this stagnation through a constipated colon.

The Spirit

As a Sage, I receive spiritual guidance creating an opening for intuitive vision of a client’s stagnation. Additionally, as an energy healer, this information is deciphered from the entire body while an interesting segment is disseminated from the colon. My clients engaged with colonic therapy receive spiritual coaching during the session allowing individuals to build awareness of the healing connection between their brain function and colon. Thus, the final key to comprehending this distinctive brain-gut relationship is realizing that the spiritual guidance has a significant purpose in the brain-gut healing process:

1. It enables the client to tap into their constipating thoughts. In turn, this expression shows relationship within the colon through the simultaneous movement of its related waste.

2. This liberation from dormant waste yields clarity of the mind, a heightened awareness of gut intuition and the courage to execute this inner guidance.

This communication challenges you to embrace a paradigm shift. Do you dare to engage? Holistic Healing includes whole body function as an approach to long-term health. The mind, body and spirit correlate to the head through to the toes. Whenever you are ready to heal, remember the 4 keys of this amazing healing relationship between the brain and colon. Your health regimen must include a whole body approach.

Sage Joya Z. Baynes is a Certified Colon Therapist providing spiritual guidance, energy healing and accountability coaching during her sessions. Clients committed to their healing journey experience quantum transformational healing beyond their expectations. Sage Joya is enthusiastic about teaching individuals the importance of whole body healing through the integration of colonic therapy with medical treatments and alternative modalities for the mind, body and spirit. Here at our clients has been entertained well by our services.

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